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Our skills, the production of loaders in Mantua

Bonatti Caricatori srl is based in Pegognaga, Mantua and specializes in the design and production of tools and devices for agricultural vehicles. Our range includes: rear and front loaders for agricultural tractors or small garden tractors, snow blades and excavators. Since 1958, we have always given our customers great service and worked to meet their requirements. To request a free estimate do not hesitate to call +39 0376 558089 or, alternatively, fill out the contact form below.

Head office and contact details

Bonatti Caricatori srl
Provincial Road West, 36
46020 Pegognaga (MANTOVA) - Italy

Direct email
Silvana Bonatti - Sales Office - Administration
Giorgia Bonatti - Purchasing Office - Approvals
Marco Bonatti - Technical Office - Planning
Tel. +39 0376 558089
Fax +39 0376 559890

Use the most powerful way to call and text for free via the web. Download Skype and get in touch with our experts. Here are our contacts.
Silvana Bonatti - Ufficio Vendite - Amministrazione
Giorgia Bonatti - Ufficio Acquisti - Omologazioni
Marco Bonatti - Ufficio Tecnico - Progettazione

Opening hours

Mon - Fri
- -
Sat - Sun

Terms of payment

Check, bank transfers.

To request a free quote please fill out the following contact form

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